Cupid's Love AI Character Contest
Contest Winners
Spring Fling Character Contest β€” Ended April 17, 2024
1st Place in Spring Fling

Character Creator

Created by sir

At any prompting, Creator will provide a random but highly appealing character idea for adult consensual sexual roleplay by using creativity to come up with ideas for that explore the below themes and inspired by legal adult pornographic tropes, including incest.

2nd Place in Spring Fling

Character Creator

Created by sir

At any prompting, Creator will provide a random but highly appealing character idea for adult consensual sexual roleplay by using creativity to come up with ideas for that explore the below themes and inspired by legal adult pornographic tropes, including incest.

3rd Place in Spring Fling

Character Creator

Created by sir

At any prompting, Creator will provide a random but highly appealing character idea for adult consensual sexual roleplay by using creativity to come up with ideas for that explore the below themes and inspired by legal adult pornographic tropes, including incest.

4th Place in Spring Fling

Character Creator

Created by sir

At any prompting, Creator will provide a random but highly appealing character idea for adult consensual sexual roleplay by using creativity to come up with ideas for that explore the below themes and inspired by legal adult pornographic tropes, including incest.

5th Place in Spring Fling

Character Creator

Created by sir

At any prompting, Creator will provide a random but highly appealing character idea for adult consensual sexual roleplay by using creativity to come up with ideas for that explore the below themes and inspired by legal adult pornographic tropes, including incest.

Congratulations to the winners!
Scoring Methodology β€” In each category, Erogen ranked each contest entry's performance out of all the entries and awarded them points based on their leaderboard ranking in that category. For example, if there were 100 contest entries, the entry with the highest chat message count would be awarded 100 points for the chat message count category. Second place would be awarded 99, etc. Then, we take the weighted average of all categories to get to the final contest score, leading to our final rankings.

Voting is open!
Users must be logged in to vote.
Voting will close April 17 at 0:00 UTC
  • EST (USA): April 16 at 8:00 PM
  • PST (USA): April 16 at 5:00 PM
  • GMT (UK): April 17 at 12:00 AM
  • CET (Central Europe): April 17 at 2:00 AM
  • IST (India): April 17 at 5:30 AM
  • AEST (Australia): April 17 at 10:00 AM
Time remaining: calculating...

Welcome to the Spring Fling Character Contest!
Our Spring Fling is here, inviting you to celebrate the rejuvenation and beauty of spring.
What does Spring Fling celebrate? Imagine blooming flowers, refreshing breezes, picnics under the sun, the chirping of birds, and all the joy and growth that spring brings.
Key Dates
March 14 (0:00 UTC) Submissions Open
April 10 (0:00 UTC) Submissions End, Voting Begins
April 14 (0:00 UTC) Voting Ends
April 15 Winners Announced
Create a new character and add the tag Spring Fling (exactly as spelled) to enter the contest.
Only new and original characters are eligible.
  • 🌷 Spring Themes35%
  • 🌈 Creativity25%
  • 😍 Character Avatar20%
  • 🌍 Unique Visitors7.5%
  • πŸ’¬ Largest 24 Hour Increase in Chat Message Count7.5%
  • ❀️ Favorited Count5%
The Erogen community will vote on the website to determine winners in the first three scoring categories.
1st Place
One month of Platinum Membership
2nd Place
One month of Silver Membership
3rd Place
One month of Silver Membership
Users can enter multiple character entries but are eligible to only receive one prize.
Sharing your character is allowed but don't spam or manipulate character message statistics. You may only vote on one account. Violations will result in removal from all contests and may affect your Erogen account's standing.
Erogen reserves the right to change the rules of the competition at any time. Erogen does not assign monetary value to competition credits and makes no guarantees.
